Serving all of Brevard County, FL
June 3, 2020

Checking for Air Leaks

Checking for Air Leaks

Checking for Air Leaks

Air leaks are a leading cause of energy loss in homes and businesses alike, with the Environmental Protection Agency citing upwards of a 20-30% waste, costing you hundreds of dollars in lost efficiency.

Checking For Air Leaks – What are the Signs?

  1. Increasing Utility Bills – This is a clear giveaway that something with your HVAC system is not working optimally and efficiency is being lost in some way.
  2. An overly dusty home – A lesser thought of indication, a consistently dusty home may indicate that dust and other particulates are making their way into your home through leaks.
  3. Decreased Airflow / Fan Force – Reduced airflow coming out of your vents may be an indication that airflow is being lost somewhere throughout the ductwork.
  4. Uneven Heating/Cooling – Notice that some rooms are adequately cooled or heated but the next room over is not? This may indicate that air is leaking in the ductwork leading to that room’s air vents.
  5. Visual Indications – Look in your vent with a flashlight and along the ductwork in your basement, or other areas where ducts are exposed, and look for rips, tears, loose fittings, and/or missing or worn-down seals.
  6. Fog Machine Trick – Seal up all vents. Place the fog machine next to your HVAC’s intake fan. Turn on the fog machine and watch out for any fog that leaks out of the ductwork.

If you need help, our team is standing by and ready to provide you with an expert diagnosis of your system, quickly, reliably and affordably.

Posted On:
June 3, 2020


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