Refrigerant is one of the most critical components of your HVAC or AC system. Without it, your system is unable to produce cold air to cool your home.
But What Happens When There is a Leak?
Refrigerant is a dangerous chemical. If you must inspect the unit yourself, please wear protective gear in a well-ventilated area. Your first step might be to rule out other causes. For example, clogged up air filters, frozen and thawed, coils and more can all have a major negative impact on your unit. If there is an area where you suspect a leak, you may want to apply soapsuds to see if the area bubbles. This is a quick and easy DIY test, and while not always accurate, might provide additional information.
Signs That you Have a Refrigerant Leak
What to Do In Case of a Leak?
Some leaks are minor, such as those around valves and fittings where a simple tightening of the components may be enough to stop the leak.
In other cases, the leak can be more serious, requiring professional repair. Regardless, your best option is to call a professional. Remember, refrigerant IS toxic, and can cause nausea, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and fluid build-up on the lungs. Don’t put your health at risk.