Serving all of Brevard County, FL
October 15, 2021

Early Signs You May Need to Replace your HVAC

AC Repair

Early Signs You May Need to Replace your HVAC

Early Signs Cocoa, FL residents can use to predict the need for replacing their HVAC unit:

1. Unit’s Warranty Period or Pre-Determined Lifespan

Keeping track of your unit’s warranty period and predicted lifespan will provide you with the earliest warning sign that your unit is reaching its termination date. Because HVAC systems have predictable lifespans, you can plan ahead, putting money aside monthly so that when the time comes you’ll be ready for the expense of replacement.

2. Seemingly Small Repair

Small repairs might be affordable and easy to fix, but they can indicate that your HVAC system is beginning to break down. At some point, these small repairs often result in a larger failure.

3. Reduced Efficiency

This can happen slowly over time, making it harder to notice. But paying attention to how your system performs, from regulating temperature and consistency of room temperature, to increased energy bills.

Posted On:
October 15, 2021


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