Serving all of Brevard County, FL
May 27, 2020

Should I Increase the Temperature Each Time I Leave the House?

Should I Increase the Temperature Each Time I Leave the House?

Should I Increase the Temperature Each Time I Leave the House?

With summer just around the corner and temperatures heating up, many homeowners wonder if they should turn the temperature up to save on cooling costs when they leave the home. But is this the most energy-efficient option?

With the US Department of Energy citing that heating and cooling is responsible for up to 48% of a home’s energy costs, its no wonder why you want to do what will save you the most in the long run.

So what does the data say? Turns out if you are leaving your home for more than a couple hours, the Department of Energy suggests that increasing the room temperature by 10-15 degrees is the most optimal way to save energy while not letting your house get too hot to where your AC unit has to work overtime upon your return.

The optimal temperature when leaving your home for a few hours or more is 68 degrees in the winter and 78 degrees in the summer. At these temperatures, it turns out that your home will sit at a temperature that your unit can most efficiently heat or cool to your ideal temperature when you return home.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to also shut your shades and cut down on drafts by insulating around windows and doors.

Posted On:
May 27, 2020


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