Live in the Rockledge or Cocoa Beach area? Have concerns that your Air Conditioner simply isn’t working as well as it used to? Chances are, you’re not imagining things. Florida summers can put a lot of strain on your AC, causing it to lose efficiency over time.
Here are a few signs your Air Conditioning Is Losing Efficiency:
1. Increased Energy Costs: Although cooling bills are on the rise across Florida, if your bills have increased more than usual, or progressively over time, it could be an indication that your AC is losing efficiency. An HVAC professional can determine whether or not this can be resolved with something as simple as a tune up or air filter replacement, or if there is a bigger issue at hand.
2. Fast Cycling: Your AC shouldn’t be kicking on and off every half hour or hour. Fast cycling refers to your AC turning on, cooling the room, then turning off and cycling back on in a short period of time.
3. Uneven or Inconsistent Cooling: This could be due to any number of reasons. If you notice one room is cooler than the other, it takes longer and longer to reach your desired temperature, or that your unit is unable to maintain a consistent level of cool, it may need to be looked at by a professional.