Serving all of Brevard County, FL
April 16, 2021

What To Do if You Have a Pilot or Ignition Problem with your AC Unit?

What To Do if You Have a Pilot or Ignition Problem with your AC Unit?

What To Do if You Have a Pilot or Ignition Problem with your AC Unit?

If your HVAC unit runs on gas, you have a pilot light that ignites the fuel source, turning it into energy and powering your AC system. When the pilot light goes out, or fails to ignite, your entire AC system is dead in the water.

Before calling in a pro, here are a few tips to see if its an easy fix on your own.

1. Check the Breakers

Sometimes breakers can trip for what seems like no reason at all, cutting the power to your furnace. In other cases, your AC unit’s own fuse may have blown.

2. Relight the Pilot Light

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for this step. They should go something like this: check that the power is in the ‘on’ position, turn the furnace off (power and gas), locate the ignition button, press down and hold the ignition button and the little red button next to it. If the pilot light ignites, release the ignition button and continue holding down the red button for one minute.

3. Replace the Filter

Any flame needs oxygen to ignite. Lack of airflow due to a gunked up filter could be the culprit. Not to mention a clean filter can improve your entire AC unit’s performance.

4. Inspect the Gas Line and Valve

The gas line running to your HVAC unit will have an ‘on/off’ valve. Make sure it is turned to ‘on’ or hasn’t been partially closed. If you smell gas, evacuate the house immediately and call 911.

Other potential issues you may need a pro for: old/failed ignition system, faulty temperature limiting switch, overpowered current, and more.

Posted On:
April 16, 2021


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